My First Dahlia Cutting!

The first pull…scary, right? Well, it was for me, what if I did it wrong? What if, what if, what if? Well, just pull it, silly. And it was fine. Nothing exploded, no calamity, no ruin. Just my first pull. Well, fast forward a few weeks and here she is, a perfect little baby Gabbie’s Wish.

This cutting took a long time. I pulled Feb 15th, and just potted her up March 18th, so patience is totally a virtue I’m practicing in the new endeavor! Patience and faith that I can do this!

I follow Kristine Albrecht’s advice to the letter, if she says it’s so, I believe her. So I initially put the pull in a Root Riot cube, rolled in Clonex Rooting Gel and then gave her water, warmth and light. A month later, still following KA’s words of wisdom, I rolled the cube, with its visible roots, in Xtreme Gardening’s Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant Organic Root Enhancer, to provide added support (MYKOS forms hyphae that increase the root mass resulting in more absorption of nutrients and moisture. The fungal network can transport nutrients over large distances and deliver them directly into the root cell.) Then, with words of encouragement, I potted her up (op to the first set of leaves) in a lovely potting soil (I’m kind of loving this soil Sunshine Professional Growing Mix 3-cu ft All-purpose Potting Soil Mix from Lowe’s), gave her a drink and then under the grow lights.

I’ll probably harden off in the greenhouse after this weekend, as the weather will be a little friendlier for dahlias. I’ll probably move all of the potted-up dahlias out there, as well. Or at least some…see how they do, if they sprout or if the cooler spring temps bother them. No freezing temps are forecasted, so I’ve that going for me.

Will keep you in the loop : )

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A Real Flower Farmer!